5 research outputs found

    Morphological segmentation analysis and texture-based support vector machines classification on mice liver fibrosis microscopic images

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    Background To reduce the intensity of the work of doctors, pre-classification work needs to be issued. In this paper, a novel and related liver microscopic image classification analysis method is proposed. Objective For quantitative analysis, segmentation is carried out to extract the quantitative information of special organisms in the image for further diagnosis, lesion localization, learning and treating anatomical abnormalities and computer-guided surgery. Methods in the current work, entropy based features of microscopic fibrosis mice’ liver images were analyzed using fuzzy c-cluster, k-means and watershed algorithms based on distance transformations and gradient. A morphological segmentation based on a local threshold was deployed to determine the fibrosis areas of images. Results the segmented target region using the proposed method achieved high effective microscopy fibrosis images segmenting of mice liver in terms of the running time, dice ratio and precision. The image classification experiments were conducted using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). The best classification model derived from the established characteristics was GLCM which performed the highest accuracy of classification using a developed Support Vector Machine (SVM). The training model using 11 features was found to be as accurate when only trained by 8 GLCMs. Conclusion The research illustrated the proposed method is a new feasible research approach for microscopy mice liver image segmentation and classification using intelligent image analysis techniques. It is also reported that the average computational time of the proposed approach was only 2.335 seconds, which outperformed other segmentation algorithms with 0.8125 dice ratio and 0.5253 precision

    Produção de frutos para uso medicinal em Bromelia antiancatha (caraguatá): fundamentos para um extrastivismo sustentável Fruit production for medicinal use in Bromelia antiacantha ("caraguatá"): foundations for sustainable extraction

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    Entre as várias espécies que têm sido utilizadas como fontes de subprodutos florestais estão a Bromelia antiacantha, espécie nativa da Mata Atlântica com grande potencial de uso com características alimentícias, ornamentais, industriais e farmacológicas. Os frutos da espécie são utilizados tradicionalmente no Planalto Norte Catarinense na confecção de xaropes para tratamento de males das vias respiratórias. Neste contexto, objetivou-se quantificar a produção de frutos e fundamentar estratégias para possível manejo de populações naturais de B. antiacantha. Foram acompanhadas 39 infrutescências de Janeiro/2008 a Agosto/2008 distribuídas em área de mata secundária na FLONA de Três Barras, SC. Nesta mesma área, indivíduos da espécie foram acompanhados através de estudos demográficos de 2001 a 2008. As infrutescências apresentaram em média 0,68m de comprimento, número médio de 187 frutos/infrutescência, o diâmetro médio dos frutos foi de 1,9 cm e o peso médio das infrutescências de 3,6 kg. A média de frutos aproveitáveis foi de 157 frutos/infrutescência totalizando 2,5 kg. A safra estimada para 2005 foi de 146 kg de frutos ha-1 e 80 kg de frutos ha-1 para 2008, e a renda líquida a partir da produção de xarope foi estimada em R1168,00porhectare,porano.OsresultadosmostraramqueomanejodeB.antiacanthaconsisteematividadeeconomicamenteinteressanteequeestapossibilidade,aleˊmdecomplementararendadecomunidadeslocaisondeaespeˊciesefazpresente,tambeˊmampliaovalordasaˊreascomcoberturaflorestal.<br>AmongthelargenumberofspeciesthathavebeenusedassourcesofforestbyproductsisBromeliaantiacantha,aspeciesnativetotheAtlanticForestandthathasgreatpotentialofusewithnourishing,ornamental,industrialandpharmacologicalcharacteristics.ThefruitsofthisspeciesaretraditionallyusedintheNorthernPlateauofSantaCatarinaState,Brazil,inthepreparationofsyrupforthetreatmentofrespiratorydisorders.Inthiscontext,theaimofthisstudywastoquantifytheproductionoffruitsandtofindstrategiesforthepossiblemanagementofnaturalpopulationsofB.antiacantha.Atotalof39inflorescenceswereobservedfromJanuary/2008toAugust/2008distributedinasecondaryforestareaatFLONA(NationalForest),Tre^sBarras,SantaCatarinaState.Inthissamearea,B.antiacanthaindividualswereaccompaniedbydemographicstudiesfrom2001to2008.Theinflorescencespresentedonaverage0.68moflength,meannumberof187fruits/inflorescence,meandiameteroffruitsof1.9cmandmeanweightofinflorescencesof3.6kg.Themeannumberofusablefruitswas157fruits/inflorescenceandthemeanweightofthesefruitswas2.5Kg.Theestimatedharvestfor2005was146Kgoffruitsha1andfor2008,80kgoffruitsha1,andthenetincomefromthesyrupproductioncouldreachR 1168,00 por hectare, por ano. Os resultados mostraram que o manejo de B. antiacantha consiste em atividade economicamente interessante e que esta possibilidade, além de complementar a renda de comunidades locais onde a espécie se faz presente, também amplia o valor das áreas com cobertura florestal.<br>Among the large number of species that have been used as sources of forest byproducts is Bromelia antiacantha, a species native to the Atlantic Forest and that has great potential of use with nourishing, ornamental, industrial and pharmacological characteristics. The fruits of this species are traditionally used in the Northern Plateau of Santa Catarina State, Brazil, in the preparation of syrup for the treatment of respiratory disorders. In this context, the aim of this study was to quantify the production of fruits and to find strategies for the possible management of natural populations of B. antiacantha. A total of 39 inflorescences were observed from January/2008 to August/2008 distributed in a secondary forest area at FLONA (National Forest), Três Barras, Santa Catarina State. In this same area, B. antiacantha individuals were accompanied by demographic studies from 2001 to 2008. The inflorescences presented on average 0.68 m of length, mean number of 187 fruits/inflorescence, mean diameter of fruits of 1.9 cm and mean weight of inflorescences of 3.6 kg. The mean number of usable fruits was 157 fruits/inflorescence and the mean weight of these fruits was 2.5 Kg. The estimated harvest for 2005 was 146 Kg of fruits ha-1 and for 2008, 80 kg of fruits ha-1, and the net income from the syrup production could reach R 1168.00 per hectare per year. The results showed that the management of B. antiacantha consists in an economically interesting activity and that this possibility complements the income of local communities where the species occurs, besides increasing the value of forest areas